Photo of Garland wearing a green shirt smiling in front of a white background
My name is Garland Viaud and I am a graduate of NYC College of Technology (City Tech) with a Bachelor Of Technology Degree in Communication Design. I was always fascinated with Graphic Arts. I was raised in a country where brand name defined products, think every chewing gum being called Chiclets. I left Haiti at the age of 11 for better opportunities and because of the instability of the country. Having been interested in drawing from a young age, I sadly realized that my career path would not be in illustration. My love of brands gave me the passion I needed to go after establishing a career as a Brand Designer. There is something rewarding to me to be able to create an image of a brand from the ground up. I’m always scribbling and drawing logos on any paper I can get my hands on. I hope that in the future that my name will not be just a name on a long list of name of designers but my name will actually mean something to the world but more importantly, me and my country.
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